Item NFT

All item nfts can be inlayed upon the heroes to get mining power boost, only one item from each class can be inlayed in a hero at once.

There are total 5 different class of Items:

  • Sword

  • Armor

  • Boots

  • Potion

  • Crystal

Items can be upgraded from level 1 to level 10. Items can be upgraded by merging the 5 of the same type to form a higher level Item.

LevelCostTotal Boost% (mining power)


4 (same class, same level)



4 (same class, same level)



4 (same class, same level)


and so on till level 10.

Inlaying a level 10 item will provide 50% mining power boost to that hero, inlaying 5 level 10 items will prove 250% mining power boost to that hero

Last updated